Confession: I have a slight obsession with designer handbags.
My love for handbags started when I got my very first paycheck. My love for designer handbags however started when I was residing in Hong Kong. I blame it on my hubby who had the family relocated to Hong Kong, a shopping haven for designer goods.
From my very first Coach shoulder bag to my current Louis Vuitton Damier Trevi, my collection in the last 2 years have surprisingly grown. I was going through my handbag collection the other day and my, oh my, I sure do have quite a few. I currently have in my collection, 5 Coach Handbags, 2 Coach purses, 2 Coach wristlets, 3 Louis Vuitton handbags, 1 Gucci, 1 Celine, 2 Loewe handbags, 1 Loewe purse, 1 Burberry, 1 Kate Spade, 1 DKNY, 1 Tod’s purse, 1 Marc Jacobs and finally my latest purchase, a Bottega Veneta which I'm waiting to collect as it is still with my friend. Got my friend who went to Italy recently to purchase the Bottega at a fraction of its original selling price at the outlets in Florence.
It may seem quite a bit but all the bags were purchased during sale so the prices have been marked down with the exception of Louis Vuitton. (When we actually asked the sales staff at Louis Vuitton as to when they normally hold sale, they smugly replied “Louis Vuitton Don’t Do Sale, Never Had & Never Will”)
So, what’s with having to own designer handbags? Well to me, it pretty much started like I mentioned earlier, when the family moved to Hong Kong. Travelling on the MTR, you see ladies parading their latest designer bags. Even going grocery shopping, you get to see housewives with their "Louis Vuitton Neverfull", going about their daily grocery shopping. On top of that, we were living near Citygate Outlets Shopping Centre, that houses a few Designer labels like Burberry, Bally, Coach,Kate Spade, etc so as you probably may have figured out by now, yes, some of my handbags came from there.
I have never been a “brand conscious” person or a better word for it, a “branded person”. I was satisfied with my Bonia, Carlo Rino, or whatever local brands I stumbled upon when I go shopping in KL. I wouldn’t be caught dead entering any of the designer boutiques in KLCC. ( I was terrified of entering those espensive boutiques when I know I couldn't afford it) I guess, when your spending power increases, so does your taste in the things you buy. Not to mention, if you’re lucky enough to be blessed with a husband who buys you everything your heart desires. (Well, in my case, my hubby is willing to entertain my handbag obsession as he’s got very expensive obsessions as well, designer watches and photography) Ladies, take note: during courtship, the man who loves you will at least entice you to pick something you like and never say a word about the price. Never choose and marry a man who stops you from buying a handbag.
Owning designer handbags opened my eyes as to why people buy designer handbags. The quality is amazing. (Though in my personal opinion, Coach, Kate Spade and DKNY’s quality is "so-so" as they are made in China. Having said that, I'm still a big fan of Coach. Just love their designs and vibrant colours) ) Try buying handbags with classic designs as it will never go out of style.
My Mom does not support my love for designer handbags. She feels that it’s a waste of money when I could actually invest the money I’ve spent on bags buying gold instead.(Can't blame her though, she's from the old school) Little does she know, there’s this thing about designer handbags having resale value. All I have to do is put it up for sale on the internet & there are buyers waiting. To ensure that my handbags look brand new (if I eventually plan to sell them on ebay someday) all I have to do is sent them to the bag spa (Yup, there’s such a thing called bag spa over here in Singapore) and my handbags will look as though they just came out from the stores.
I've read somewhere that a designer handbag is a collector's item, and if you choose the right one, it will rise in value just like the price of gold. So what are you ladies waiting for? Life is short, so enjoy yourself. Get out there and treat yourself to a new handbag.
I like this post!...hehehe. agree with you 100%. I think i feel the same way too... I was so happy and totally satisfied with my first coach handbag :) Lucky you, your hubby willing to buy you anything you want. mine also same cuma duit je xde, so xleh la beli... nak buat cam mana.. hehehe ;P
ReplyDeleteohh..didnt u realise u have an obsession..i thought it was just mix and matching..hehehehe
ReplyDeleteDear Zaza, I bernasib baik coz hubby keje luar negara. Beli pun masa sale atau kat outlet. Kalau keje kat M'sia, mana mampu beli. Mampu tengok aje. Nanti bila balik M'sia, Zaza buka clinic sendiri, lepas tu boleh beli mcm2 designer handbag. :D
ReplyDeleteDear KaiserSoze, cannot complain about your wife's obsession. Your watches, camera, lenses... also a costly affair. :p
Dear Mrs Z,
ReplyDeleteOohh.. best nye! I have 3 Coach handbags and an LV. Coach beli masa clearance sale or those yang dah last season. Price dia turun byk jugak kan. Itu pun hubby kata "dah dah la tu".. hehehe. I love handbags too. But Hubby kata those Braun Buffel and Kipling ones are more worth buying!
Hi Nita. Welcome to the "handbag addicts club". Kalau u pegi Citygate Outlet kat HK that has a Coach outlet, you'll go crazy. You can get a Coach handbag for HKD1,000 (RM440). Rasa rindulah pulak life kat HK. (Actually rindu shopping kat HK! hahaha)
ReplyDeleteI pun suka design Braun Buffel & Kipling tapi belum ada dalam collection. Maybe I've got to start giving hints to hubby.... :D