Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween Pics.

Hi People. I'm finally back home. Here are the pics from Halloween that was supposed to be uploaded this morning but I was unable to do so, no thanks to the failed server connection while using the free WIFI at Starbucks.

Mummy's little wizard in his Harry Porter costume.
(Check out the wand! Siap ada lampu lagi. hehehe)

Another "Harry Porter" pose.

 Shafiq posing with Daddy before 
he goes out "trick or treating".

Suasana kelam-kabut outside the Management office
while waiting for the arrival of other kids to kick start the "trick or treating".

A tired "Harry Porter" after he finished his "trick or treating" rounds.
(or was it a "sugar-high" Harry Porter?)

Mommy! Look at what I got!!!

Since I'm already posting Halloween pics, might as well share with you guys some pics from last year's Halloween as well.

Last year, father and son were in the their Star Wars phase.
Daddy accompanied Shafiq "trick or treating", so he was in costume as well.

The Jedi Master and his little Padawan.
(Complete with their lightsabers)

Mommy's little Padawan. 
He even had Darth Vader's "trick or treat" pail.

Mommy's little Padawan also had his own pod racer helmet.

Our home being invaded by the "trick or treaters" and their guardians.

Some even came inside. 
I had to bring in the potted plants outside my condo
and placed it under the piano as there were already a few broken pots, 
thanks to the super excited "trick or treaters".
(That's why this year, no more volunteering our place!)

There you have it folks, Halloween pics of 2009 and 2010. 

Got to go and prepare dinner as I have a movie date with Hubby tonight. Planning to watch Due Date which stars Robert Downey Jr, my favourite actor of all time. Hope the movie turns out great. But come to think of it, I'm yet to be disappointed with any of Robert Downey's movies. He's such a brilliant actor. (and gorgeous as well. :D)

Have a good weekend everybody.


  1. comelllllnye shafiq jadik shafiq potter!

  2. Tqvm Aunty FrH. Pujian untuk Mommy Shafiq yang bersusah payah cari costume. hehehe

  3. dalam banyak2 pics... i have to say, my personal favorite will be the tired potter after trick treating.. ;)

  4. Thank you Aunty Ayu. The "tired Harry Porter" gara2 overdosed on chocolates and candies. :D
