Sunday, November 14, 2010


Yes People! I'm extremely excited. My Mom & siblings will be making their way here tomorrow. The last time my family came down to Singapore was when I gave birth to Sara and that was more than a year ago. At that point in time, that particular visit was hinged with great sadness and despair, so this time around, no tears, only smiles and laughter to accompany them throughout their entire stay here with us.

Their trip this time around means a great deal to me as we won't be celebrating Hari Raya Haji (Eid al-Adha) alone by ourselves. As Hari Raya Haji falls on November 17, right in the middle of the week and is only a one day public holiday, we didn't see the point of going back to KL. So lucky for us, my Mom, sis and bro decided to come and celebrate Hari Raya Haji with us. Yeay!!!

Now, I've got to put on my "chef hat" and think about what to prepare for lunch tomorrow as they will be arriving here just in time for lunch. Thought of preparing chicken beriyani but then my Mom ni pulak jenis suka makan masakan kampung. My sis and bro, no problem, anything pun okay. 

Mmmm... nak masak apa ye? Maybe I should just bring them out to lunch at Hajah Maimunah Restaurant, a famous nasi padang place here in Singapore. 

Got to go. Have a relaxing Sunday you all! :D


  1. ...and its shopping spree there in S'pore now kan? owh jealous!
    Happy Eiduladha Kak Sui.. :)

  2. *ayu the sun*:

    Thank you for the wish. A belated Happy Eiduladha to you my dear. Sorry for the belated wish. Haven't been checking my blog.

    Shopping spree kat S'pore? I'm not so sure whether the X'mas sales has started or not. Jemputlah ke S'pore. You're most welcome to stay at my humble abode. :D

  3. Mr Lonely:

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog. :) Shall drop by your blog later. Have a nice day!
