For my coming birthday, which is 8 days from today, I was thinking of creating a birthday wish list of things that I would love to receive on my birthday. Yes people, a big hint here. (wink,wink)
When I started to think of what I would like to have for my birthday, I find that making wish lists are an absolute waste of time. All it does is make a person so focused on what they would like to get/have that as a result, we fail to appreciate or be grateful/thankful for the things that we already have in our lives.
Being grateful or thankful should be part of our daily lives and not something that is being reserved for special occasions.
I’m definitely guilty of not being grateful/thankful on a daily basis. When I pray, all I ask from God is for things that I don’t have or to ask God to make things happen for me. I forgot to put in my prayers, words of gratitude for the life that God has bestowed upon me. Forgive me God.
Looking at my life now, I have so much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for my Darling Hubby. We'll be celebrating our 10 years of marriage next October. I don't know how he puts up with me at times but he does. I don't know what I'd do without him in my life. To my Darling Hubby, thank you for your constant love and support Sayang.
I am thankful for my pride and joy, my son Shafiq who is such a blessing. Since he came into our lives, eight years ago, our lives have been simply amazing. To my darling son, you complete both Daddy and Mommy. Love you.
I am thankful for my darling daughter Sara. Though she was only with us for the briefest of time, she taught me to be a more patient, forgiving and a better person.
I am thankful for my Mom and both my sister and brother. I am so fortunate that they are my family. Though my Late Dad is no longer with us, I am so thankful for all the love that he showered upon me when he was still around.
I am thankful for Hubby's family. My FIL, my MIL, my 2 SILs' and my 3 BILs'. They have been such wonderful in-laws.
I am thankful for my 3 darling nephews that keep me constantly entertained.
I am thankful for my extended family members. Aunts/Aunts In-Laws, Uncles/Uncles In-Laws and Cousins/Cousins In-Laws who makes life interesting for me.
I am thankful for the good friends that I have. Friends that stand by me, that supports me and who goes the extra mile for me. Thank you my dears. You know who you are.
I am thankful that Hubby is blessed with a good career which enable me to be a stay at home Mom and take care of our son, to have a beautiful home to live in, a good car to drive us around, enough money to buy the things we need or want and do the things we love doing.
Thank you God for all the above.