Monday, October 18, 2010

Chocolate "Batik" Cake.

Happy Monday people! Hope everyone had a great weekend. :D

I'm sure many of you are familiar with kek batik, right? It is definitely a very easy, instant, bake-less cake that anybody can whipped up in a matter of minutes. My MIL made some for us during our last trip back to KL. Instead of using "milo", she used milk chocolate and we absolutely loved it especially both my boys aka Hubby and Shafiq.

Hubby and Shafiq finished the "kek batik" that my MIL made for us to bring back home within two days, and later asked me whether there was any left after having finished up the whole cake by themselves.

That's when I decided to try doing the "kek batik" myself.

Here's my version of the "kek batik".


  • 2 X 200 gm Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate
  • 80gm roasted almond
  • 80gm roasted macadamia nuts
  • 200 gm digestive biscuits (I used Mcvities digestive biscuits)
  • 125gm butter (I used buttercup)
  • 1small tin of condensed milk. (I used milkmaid)
  1. Melt the chocolates with the butter and milk using the "double boil" method.
  2. In a separate bowl, break the biscuits into not so small pieces and then mixed it up with the roasted almond and macadamia nuts.
  3. Then combined the melted chocolate mix together with biscuits and nuts. Mixed them well.
  4. Pour the mixture into a cake tin / container / etc. To make it easier for you to remove the cake later, make sure you put a "cling wrap/plastic wrap" at the bottom of the cake tin before you pour the cake mixture into it so that it will be easier for you to remove the cake once it's harden.
  5. Refrigerate the cake for about 3 to 4 hours. 
  6. Then it's ready to be cut and served.

Do give the recipe above a try. It's really easy and absolutely yummy. Don't just take my words for it, try it for yourselves. Let me know how it turns out, okay?

Have a good week you all! :D


  1. i pernah buat kek batik ni. ada org kata ni kek org malas. hahaha (jgn amik ati ok, mmg kek malas, tp sedap & senang! sesuai utk kitorang masa student time dulu xde oven kat rumah hehe).

    tp ni resipi u bg version of kek batik mahal laaaaa. smua ingredients mahal2!! hahahha (sila tambah guna butter goldenchurn ok ;P)

  2. I hereby vouch that u should definitely try this recipe. I am still thinking about the cake as I'm writing this....droolworthy!!!

  3. FrH:

    Memang kek orang malas pun. hahaha. I tak reti bab2 baking ni. Asyik berangan nak masuk kelas buat kek, sampai sekarang tak enroll pun lagi.

    Kalau masak lauk pauk, no problem! Jemputlah datang rumah untuk merasa masakan saya. :D

    p/s: butter goldenchurn lagi mahal dari buttercuplah! :p

  4. KaiserSoze:

    I'll do another one soon, ok? :D
